Sunday, November 05, 2006
Toffee treat by Stirway to Heaven
Friday, November 03, 2006
Normandy apple tart and honey ice cream
- Pastry : Mix the icing sugar with the flour. Add the butter in lumps in the middle.
- Crush the butter with the ends of your fingers, mixing in with the flour.
- Beat the eggs with the salt, and add to the preceeding mixture.
- Kneed the mixture together and into a ball with your hands. Flour the outside, and cool for an hour.
- Honey ice cream : Bring the milk to the boil.
- Beat the eggs and honey together in a bowl.
- Pour the hot milk over the eggs and honey. Whisk together, and pass through a strainer.
- Heat the mixture in a bain-marie on a medium heat until the mixture thickens stirring with a wooden spoon.
- Take off the heat and leave to cool.
- Mix in the single cream, and freeze the mixture using an ice-cream maker. Place in the freezer.
- Pralin : Mix the sugar, flour, almond powder and cinnamon in a bowl.
- Add the softened butter.
- In a tart mould (or individual moulds) :
- Roll out the pastry. Line the mould with ovenproof paper, or for individual moulds, I butter the inside and then use strips of paper, which help when turning out the tarts.
- Apply the pastry base and prick with a fork.
- Peel, core and cut the apples into small cubes of around 1cm.
- Fill the tarts with apple, then cover the top with the pralin.
- Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.
Serve the tart warm with a spoon of ice cream and sprinkled with icing sugar.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Indian-style pork loin
La petite virée en Inde inspired me for this weekend's recipe.
- The previous day, pour the olive oil and the white wine into a deep dish, add the chopped shallot, the pressed garlic and all the spices. Mix well.
- Brush the pork loin with the marinade, then place it in the dish. Cover, and leave in the fridge for 12 hours, turning once.
- Preaheat the oven to 180° (mk.6). Place the pork in an oven dish, season with salt and pepper.
- Bake for 1 hour, basting from time to time with the marinade.
- Wash the apples and cut into quarters.
- Fry in butter for around 5 minutes until the apples become tender.
- Cut the coconut into flakes.
Serve the pork hot accompanied by the apples, covered with cocunut flakes, and served for example with Roast Potatoes
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Eggs meurette
- Melt 50gr of butter slowly in a bain-marie, and remove the white foam that forms as the butter gets hot with a spoon. This clarified butter will not turn brown when it cooks. See this link for pictures Chef Simon pour les images.
- Fry the 2 chopped onions using the clarified butter.
- Pour in the bottle of red wine, and season with pepper.
- Add the pressed garlic, the herb bouquet and the 2 cloves. Cover, and leave to reduce for around 45 minutes.
- Cook the carrots in boiling salted water for 8 minutes. Then press them into a purée, and add them into the sauce.
- If the sauce tastes a little too acidic, add in one lump of sugar.
- Croûtons : Trim the crusts, fry the bread slices in a little oil or clarified butter on a low heat, and then cut each slice into two triangles.
- Rub the fried bread with the inside of a fresh garlic glove chopped in two if you want to heighten the garlic flavour.
- Place the fried bread in a deep plate or soup dish ready for serving.
- Poach the eggs in the wine sauce at the end of its cooking time : break the eggs one by one into a ladel, plunge into the hot sauce, and remove immediately from the heat.
- Cover, and leave the eggs to poach for 3 minutes.
- Remove the eggs with a perforated spoon and dry using absorbant paper.
- Trim the egg white to form a regular shape.
- Place the eggs on top of the fried bread slices.
- Keep warm on the open oven door.
- You can choose to strain the sauce (but I prefer to keep the onions).
- You can also add 100gr of diced bacon, boiled for 5 minutes in water and then browned in a frying pan with butter, to the sauce.
- Finally, melt 20gr of butter into the sauce, and then reduce on a low heat.
Pour the hot sauce over the eggs, and serve immediately.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Veal filet with parma ham and estragon
Preparation : 30 minutes
Cookign timeisson : 50 minutes
1 veal fillet
4 slices of Parma ham
10 cl veal stock
10 gr butter
1/2 bunch freshly chopped estragon
10 cl white wine
10 cl crème fraîche
Gratin de macaroni :
10 cl crème fraîche
10 cl veal stock
100 gr gruyère cheese
10 gr butter
Salt, pepper
- Roll the parma ham around the veal fillet and attach with string.
- Cook the macaroni in salted boiling water. Drain and rinse.
- Reduce 10cl of veal stock in a saucepan and add in 10cl of crème fraîche.
- Add the butter, and the macaroni. Mix well.
- Pour into an oven dish and sprinkle with gruyère cheese.
- Brown under the grill just before serving.
- Cut the veal fillet into medallions.
- Season with salt and pepper, and fry in a pan with a little butter.
- Keep warm on one side.
- Drain the oil from the frying pan.
- Add the white wine, and scrape the bottom of the pan to loosen the caramelized juices.
- Reduce, then add the veal stock.
- Reduce once again.
- Incorporate the crème fraîche and the chopped estragon.
- Mix the sauce in a blender, and stir in a little butter.
Serve the veal medallions with the estragon cream suace and macaroni gratin. You could replace the pasta with a gratin of courgette and tomato with parsley.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Border Tart
Sweet shortcrust pastry
- Mix the butter and sugar in a food mixer, add the flour and the egg, to obtain a smooth paste.
- Leave to cool in the fridge before use.
- Preaheat the oven to 190° (mk.5).
- Mix the egg, sugar and melted butter together.
- Add the vinegar, sultanas and chopped nuts.
- Roll out the pastry to fit a tart mould.
- Spread the filling evenly over the pastry.
- Bake for 30 minutes.
- Leave to cool for 30 minutes before serving.
Serve the tart warm with crème fraîche, or cold.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Glazed scallop and ginger
Preparation and cooking : 1 hour
Ingredients for 4
20 scallops
1 ginger root
150 gr butter
Salt, pepper
- Peel and chop the ginger into very thin strips (mine were too big!) and put them in water.
- Prepare the fumet : melt the butter, add the fish bones, parsley, carrots and shallots.
- Wet with the white wine and the water.
- Simmer for 20 minutes.
- Clean the scallops, then wash and drain them.
- Slice them into thin circles, and lay out in large circles on oven-proof serving plates.
- Season with salt and pepper, and add the ginger strips.
- Strain the fumet, then reduce it by half.
- Melt the butter into the remaining liquid.
Before serving
- Cover each plate of scallops with the sauce, then brown under the grill, or use a browning torch or blowtorch to obtain a light golden glaze.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Prince Charlie's coffee and Malt whisky truffles
- Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie, and leave to cool.
- Whip the crème fraîche with the whisky to obtain a thick cream.
- Add the cooled chocolate and the icing sugar, and mix well.
- Leave to cool in the fridge for one hour.
- Pour the cocoa powder onto a plate, and dust over your hands.
- Take a teaspoonful of the chocolate mixture and roll it into a ball, or square, and then roll it in the cocoa powder.
- Leave the truffles in the fridge overnight.
- They will keep fresh for 3 days in the fridge.
Prince Charlie's coffee
Ingredients for a glass
30ml/2 tbsp Drambuie
2 ml/1 tbsp soft brown sugar
Black coffee
20 ml lightly whipped single cream
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Salmon and mushroon tart
- Cut two 22cm diameter pastry circles.
- Clean the mushrooms, then lightly fry them in butter.
- Add the chopped shallot and cook for 5 minutes.
- Mince 200gr of the salmon with half of the mushroom preparation in a food processor.
- In a bowl, mix the cream into the minced salmon.
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Peaheat the oven to 200°C(mark 7).
- Cut the remaining salmon into thin strips.
- Beat the egg with salt in a bowl.
- Lay out one of the pastry circles into a pie dish, and prick the bottom with a fork.
- First, lay out the minced salmon mixture, then add the remainder of the mushroom mixture, then add the strips of salmon fillet on top.
- Cover the tart with the second layer of pastry, and press the edges together.
- Make a chimney hole in the middle, and brush the top with the beaten egg.
- Cook for 25 minutes.
I accompany the tart with a mixture of the cottage cheese and chopped herbs, with salt and pepper.
You can also accompany with a beurre blanc sauce.
Beurre blanc
Ingredients :
1 chopped shallot
4 tbsp white wine
15 cl single cream
200 gr butter
Freshly chopped herbs
- Simmer the chopped shallot in the white wine. Season with salt and pepper.
- Leave to reduce until the wine completely evaporates.
- Add the cream, and reduce.
- On a very low heat, add in the butter gradually, whilst stirring continually.
- The sauce is ready once all the butter has melted.
- Add the chopped herbs, and keep the sauce warm in a bain-marie.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Catalan chicken with fresh figs
Preparation and cooking time : 30 minutes
Ingredients for 4
Fig preparation :
150 gr sugar
12 cl white wine vinegar
1 slice of lemon
1 stick of cinnamon
450 gr fresh figs
Chicken :
12 cl medium-dry white wine
Zest of 1/2 lemon
1 chicken cut into pieces
50 gr diced bacon
1 tbsp olive oil
50 ml chicken stock
Salt, pepper
- Cook the sugar and vinegar with the lemon slice and cinnamon in 12cl of water for 5 minutes before adding the figs.
- Cook for a further 10 minutes, then pour into a bowl and leave for 3 hours.
- Preheat the oven to 180°c.
- Drain the figs, and then add them to the white wine and lemon zest.
- Season the chicken pieces with salt and pepper.
- Brown the diced bacon in a frying pan, and then put it in a baking dish.
- Brown the chicken in the same frying pan in the bacon fat with the olive oil added, and then reserve.
- Strain the figs once again, then pour the white wine and lemon zest into the frying pan and bring to the boil.
- Add the chicken, the figs, the chicken stock and the sauce to the diced bacon in the baking dish.
- Cover with oven-proof paper and bake for 10 minutes.
- Serve with a salad.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Hazelnut shortbread with caramelized apple
- Soften 50 gr of butter at room temerature.
- Mix the butter with 50 gr of sugar and the hazelnut powder.
- Divide into 6cm-diameter moulds, and leave for 1 hour in the freezer.
- For the creme anglaise, split open the vanilla bean and take out the seeds.
- Mix the milk, praline and vanilla seeds in a saucepan.
- Stir, and bring to the boil.
- Beat the egg yolk and sugar in a bowl.
- Pour the boiling milk over the egg yolk, whilst continuing to stir.
- Cook in a bain-marie, stirring with a wooden spoon until the mixture thickens. The cream is ready once it coats the spoon. Leave to cool in the fridge.
- Preheat the oven to 250° (mark 8)
- Bake the shortbread for 10 minutes, then remove and leave to cool.
- Peel the apples, and cut into thin slices.
- Spread the sliced apple onto a buttered baking tray.
- Distribute 50gr of butter over the apple, and sprinkle with the remaining sugar and the cinnamon powder.
- Bake for 10 minutes.
- Turn out the shortbreads onto plates.
- Decorate the top with the baked apple slices.
- Dress with cold creme anglaise, and sprinkle a little hazelnut powder around the edges.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
New England Clam Chowder
- Clean the clams. Put them in a pan of cold water, and then bring to the boil.
- Wait until the clams open.
- Take them out of the saucepan, and retain the liquid.
- Remove and retain the film (the skin which can be peeled easily) and seperate the flesh of the clams.
- Cut the bacon into small cubes, and lightly cook in a frying pan.
- In the same pan, brown the onions in the fat from the bacon.
- Cut the potatoes into small cubes.
- Mince the clam skin in a mixer.
- Add this to the onions and bacon, add the potatoes, and cover these ingredients with the cooking liquid from the clams.
- Cook for 10 minuutes on medium heat.
- Cut the flesh part of the clams into 3, add, and cook for a further 5 minutes.
- Pour in the concetrated milk.
- Mix the corn flour in milk before adding it to the soup, along with the butter, and season with salt and pepper.
- Stop cooking before the soup comes to the boil.
- Leave the soup to rest for 2 hours before serving hot.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Steamed sea perch in Champigny sauce
- Melt 20gr of butter in the bottom of a steamer. Sweat the chopped onions with the mirepoix carrots.
- Sprinkle with flour, and then pour in 1/2 bottle of wine.
- Add the parsley, thyme and the onion - pricked with the clove.
- Cook for 35 minutes on a low heat.
- Place the sea perch fillets in the upper part of the steamer.
- Season with salt and the mixed pepper.
- Cover, and steam over the wine for 10 minutes.
- Strain the sauce, then put back on the heat to reduce, with a little meat stock added.
- Check the seasoning, then melt in 20gr of butter off the heat.
- Lay out the fillets, and dress with the sauce.
- Decorate with parsley leavess, and serve with a rice timbale.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Sea Bream with golden potato scales
Ingredients for 4
4 sea bream fillets
500 ml peanut oil
500 gr potatoes (BF15) of small size
Juice of 2 oranges
Salt and pepper
- Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin round slices using a mandolin and a cutter.
- Wash and drain the potato, then fry in hot (130°c) peanut oil.
- Drain, and leave to cool.
- Season the sea bream with salt and pepper.
- Brush one side of the fillet with beaten egg.
- Dress the potato onto the fillet, overlapping so as to resemble fish scales.
- Boil the orange juice with the rosemary in a saucepan.
- Reduce to obtain a syrup-like consistency.
- Incorporate the cream, and leave again to reduce.
- Season with salt and pepper, and keep the sauce warm in a bain-marie.
- Place a piece of oven-proof paper underneath and on top of the bream fillets.
- Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, and slide the fillets into the oil, with the potato-side cooking in the oil.
- Cook for 7 minutes, without turning over.
Place the fillet in the centre, scale-side up, and dress with the orange sauce, and chervil leaves for decoration.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Veal with olive and herbs
Preparation and cooking time : 1 hour
- Brown the meat in a large saucepan in the olive oil and butter.
- Add the chopped onion and sweat for 3 minutes.
- Pour in the white wine, the lemon juice, chopped herbs, and the green olives.
- Season with salt and pepper, and mix well.
- Cover, and cook for 45 minutes on a low heat, stirring from time to time.
- Add the crème fraiche 10 minutes before the end of this cooking time.
- Serve accompanied by rice.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Tuna and pistachio mousse
Refrigeration : 1 hour
Ingredients for 6
400 gr tuna in oil (tinned)
2 eggs
150 gr ricotta
40 gr shelled pistachio nuts
2 tbsp cognac
Salt, pepper
- Hard-boil the eggs for 10 minutes
- Cool and shell the eggs
- Drain the tuna, the mix in a food processor with the ricotta and the eggs
- Season with salt and pepper
- Add the cognac
- Leave for 1 hour in the fridge
- Mix in the pistachios before serving, and decorate with basil leaves.
Serve cold as an appetiser with crudité vegetables or crackers, or as a starter as stuffing for hollowed tomatoes or cucumber.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Chicken liver paté

Tip : don't let the livers overcook to prevent them from becoming lumpy
Preparation and cooking : 20 minutes
Refrigerator : 4 hours
Ingredients for 6
100 gr butter
4 chopped shallot onions
500 gr of chicken livers
1 apple (peeled and grated)
2 tbsp baies roses
3 tbsp cognac
2 tbsp single cream

- Melt 30 gr of butter in a frying pan and sweat the shallots for 3 minutes.
- Add the apple, and cook for a further 3 minutes until tender.
- Pour into a mixer.
- Add another 30 gr butter to the frying pan, and cook the chicken livers, season with salt, pepper, and add the baies roses.
- Cook for 2 minutes (the livers should be browned on the outside, and pink in the middle).
- Pour over the cognac, and light the alcohol.
- Add the livers to the mixer, add the cream, and mix to obtain a smooth paste.
- Add in the remaining butter in small cubes, and mix again.
- Divide into ramekins, and leave in the fridge for at least 4 hours.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Chocolate praline fondant
Preparation and cooking time : 1 hour
Refrigeration : 15 hours
Ingredients for 4
4 tbsp very cold single cream
80 gr dark chocolate (minimum 55% cocoa)
2 egg yolks
20 gr sugar
40 gr butter
Pralin :
50 gr white chocolate
210 gr of praline cream
Chocolate decoration :
120 gr dark chocolate
Walnuts for decoration
- Place an 18cm diamater circle, or a 14cm-wide square mould, or as I used, a series of small circles on a sheet of oven-proof paper on a baking tray.
- Melt the white chocolate in a bain-marie, and mix in the praline cream off the heat.
- Fill the chosen mould or moulds to one third of the height.
- Leave for 2 hours in the fridge.
- Beat the cold liquid cream in a bowl to obtain a firm whipped cream, and keep cool.
- Melt the dark chocolate in a bain-marie.
- Melt the butter, then leave to cool slightly.
- Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until the mixture turns white.
- Add the chocolate, and then the butter.
- Let the preparation cool completely.
- Add 4 tbsp of the whipped cream.
- Add 4 tbsp of hot water, and whip to obtain a smooth paste.
- Fill the moulds (once cooled) with this mixture, and leave for 12 hours in the fridge.
Chocolate triangles
- See chef Simon's visual demonstration Like the chef, I would have liked to have add the marbled effect using white chocolate, but I had two little visitors to my kitchen at that point!
- Turn out the moulds with the aid of a sharp knife.
- Dress the sides with chocolate triangles, and walnut on top.
Veal medallions with shrimp
Preparation and cooking time : 45 minutes
Ingredients for 4
16 jumbo shrimp
1 600 gr veal filet
1 chopped shallot onion
50 ml oil
100 ml veal stock
1 pinch of saffron
200 ml white vermouth
2 courgettes
2 carrots
30 gr butter
Salt, pepper
- Poach the jumbo shrimp in a stock for 10 minutes.
- Peel the shrimps.
- Cut the veal filet into medaillons.
- Fry the veal in oil, and reserve.
- Drain the oil from the frying pan, and heat the chopped shallot.
- Add the veal stock, and scrape the pan to loosen the residues from the veal. Reduce on a low heat.
- Add the saffron, and the vermouth.
- Reduce again on a low heat.
- Strain the sauce, then stir in the butter off the heat.
- Keep this sauce warm in a bain-marie.
- Cut the courgette and carrot into thin strips, and poach in water.
- Lay out the veal medallions with the shrimp on top.
- Add the courgette and carrot slices.
- Replace the shrimp heads for decoration.
- Complete the dish with the sauce.
Dundee Beef Stew
- Chop the beef into 2.5cm cubes. Sprinkle with flour, salt, pepper, paprika and mix.
- Heat the oil and butter in a casserole dish.
- Brown the onions in the oil, then add the beef.
- Chop the mushrooms into quarters, and heat them seperately.
- Add the mushrooms to the casserole, along with the marmelade, the red wine and the beef stock.
- Cover, and leave to simmer on a low heat for 1h30 to 2h.
Serve with creamy mashed potatoes